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SIAM Journal on Computing

Table of Contents
Volume 17, Issue 4, pp. 629-847

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Existence, Uniqueness, and Construction of Rewrite Systems

Nachum Dershowitz, Leo Marcus, and Andrzej Tarlecki

pp. 629-639

A New Lower Bound for the Set-Partitioning Problem

John Welliaveetil John

pp. 640-647

On the Expected Sublinearity of the Boyer–Moore Algorithm

R. Schaback

pp. 648-658

Locality, Communication, and Interconnect Length in Multicomputers

Paul M. B. Vitányi

pp. 659-672

Isomorphism Testing of Unary Algebras

Ludek Kucera and Vera Trnková

pp. 673-686

Efficient Parallel Evaluation of Straight-Line Code and Arithmetic Circuits

Gary L. Miller, Vijaya Ramachandran, and Erich Kaltofen

pp. 687-695

The Complexity of Near-Optimal Programmable Logic Array Folding

S. S. Ravi and Errol L. Lloyd

pp. 696-710

Parallel Algorithms for Term Matching

Cynthia Dwork, Paris C. Kanellakis, and Larry Stockmeyer

pp. 711-731

The Probabilistic Analysis of a Heuristic for the Assignment Problem

David Avis and C. W. Lai

pp. 732-741

The Structure of the Stable Roommate Problem: Efficient Representation and Enumeration of All Stable Assignments

Dan Gusfield

pp. 742-769

Parallel Merge Sort

Richard Cole

pp. 770-785

A Natural NP-Complete Problem with a Nontrivial Lower Bound

Etienne Grandjean

pp. 786-809

Scheduling UET Systems on Two Uniform Processors and Length Two Pipelines

Harold N. Gabow

pp. 810-829

A Randomized Algorithm for Closest-Point Queries

Kenneth L. Clarkson

pp. 830-847